SSU President Philip Botström believes in compromise


SSU President Philip Botström attended Wednesday's "Single Policy". He gave his point of view on Annie Lööf, leader of the C, and Jan Björklund, leader of L, wishing Stefan Löfven to be appointed Prime Minister.

At present, the Social Democrats will take a stand for the demands and Philip Botström says that a compromise is possible.

"Nevertheless, we should be able to find solutions that are not mere proposals that Social Democrats or center parties may have pushed into the electoral movement, perhaps a compromise between them," said Philip Botström in a statement. the program of the evening.

Botström hopes for a tax compromise

For this to happen, all parties should give and take. But the Social Democrats are not going to get rid of their core values ​​and pursue policies that "widen the gaps and block segregation," said Philip Botström:

"We need to be able to build more housing without increasing the segregation of this fact, we need to be able to create more green jobs in the countryside without endangering those who go to work. the school the Liberals want, without having to segment class divisions, "said Philip Botström, adding:

"I find it hard to believe that the hearts of the Liberals and the center party will not be able to find better solutions than those chosen by the center party and the Liberals.

READ MORE: Jan Björklund ready to release Stefan Löfven

Botström also advocates a tax compromise involving a reduction of taxes on labor, but an increase in the tax on capital.

Exactly when a new government should be ready, he does not want to speculate, but hopes for it as soon as possible.

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