Hotar closed after another robbery attempt – News


It was in mid-October when he and his wife woke up in the middle of the night because the burglary alarm went to their Engströms Dam and Herr store in Överkalix. Five minutes later, the burglars and the clothes had disappeared.

The night before Monday, it was the hour again.

– I hardly thought of my eyes. On Friday, the master glassmaker was there and put on a new specialized glass that it will be hard to break. On Monday morning when we arrived, the door window was cracked, says Henrik Engström, sighing deeply.

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"They first hit a hammer in the center, then were cut with stiff objects on the sides and then became stressed," says Henrik Engström about the thieves who tried to enter the store.

However, more and more of them have not touched unwanted visitors, probably because of the new glass.

– You see that they hit a hammer and hacked with a solid object. Then they became stressed, explains Henrik Engström, who does not have more than four or five minutes to go home.

He is relieved that it has not gotten worse. At the same time, however, feel a great frustration that the guilty parties are released.

– I know that the police received valuable tips after the first burglary. But then you can not wait to act. Then, what has been stolen will disappear, says Henrik Engström – who also sees a legal uncertainty without the presence of the police, especially at night:

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Lena Engström and her husband, Henrik Engström, are constantly on the hunt for burglars.

– What should I do if I succeed in touching thieves?

For him and his wife, it's not the first time they're making an unwelcome visit. A year ago, burglars crossed the outer wall in the premises where they sold products of exit.

"We have had a lot of burglary, but none of them has been solved.It is not only economical.The last thing we talk about before going to bed is to know there will be a break.I also put the clock at night and go to the store, tells Henrik Engström.

From the police, Jan-Erik Abrahamsson, the group's chief investigator at Kalix, regrets that the case has not been resolved.

– Actions have been taken. But I can agree that it could have been processed more quickly. But then you do not know if it has changed anything, says Jan-Erik Abrahamsson.

In the presence of the police, he states that Överkalix is ​​usually a priority, especially at weekends:

"But it's obviously a question of resources and we have a vast area to cover.

And concerning the current case:

– This is not closed. A limited group of people usually faced with this type of crime and all the county police cooperate, "said Jan-Erik Abrahamsson.

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