The rector threatened by Lucia, data of Joakim Lamotte


Commander Sophia Vikström is disturbed by the fact that the data has been broadcast and the tone of social media has reached particularly unpleasant proportions.

"There has never been any question of setting up the celebration of lucia.It's a mistake on social media can have such consequences.

"It's terrible to threaten someone because you think there will be no lucia party." It's an intimidating community development, she says.

Could not contact

This is Joakim Lamotte, freelance journalist, who announced that the school was going to organize the celebration of Lucia.

"I had contact with four parents and one teacher, parents kept their children at home and I felt they deserved the public interest and the news," he said. Lamotte.

Lamotte posted on his Facebook page without contacting the director. Lamotte contacted him Sunday evening. The rector returned to Lamotte Monday morning. Then he changed the text, but the social media player was already running.

– I felt that I had enough reliable information to publish the news and I did not regret it. Then, of course, it is terribly sad that the director is threatened.

No information

Lamotte has updated the director's information on his Facebook page. He also writes: "My sources at the school, my parents and now another teacher, mean however that it is a retrospective on the part of the director and that the plans for Luciatåg do not have any effect. were not available at the time of publication of my text. "

The school and the municipality say that you have never considered creating Luciafirandet. The misunderstanding is due to a parental wish that was expressed about the activities of the school in December. There was no mention of the celebration of lucie because the parents would not be invited.

– The information on the celebration of Lucia should be included in the information sheet. The school never had the information that there would be no celebration of lucia, and now claim that it is a post-construction on our side makes you helpless, "says Sophia Vikström.

"Words are against words," said Lamotte.

The commander visited the current school to support the staff on Thursday.

"We had a good conversation, it's a quiet school in general and I hope it's over harassment and hassle now."

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