Chinese scientists say they have experimented with genetically modified children – "Pandora's request has been opened" | foreign


A Chinese scientist said he was behind the creation of the first genetically modified infant in the world. The result of the most controversial experiments of the researcher He Jiankuis has escaped and aroused sharp criticism.

– I have to apologize for the unexpected leakage of the results. Clinical trials have been halted due to the current situation, said He Jiankui at a major international biomedical conference in Hong Kong.

Researcher He Jiankui is attached to the Science and Technology Department of Shenzhen University.

Replace dna girls to eliminate HIV

He Jiankui announced that he had managed to experiment with binoculars on DNA to make them resistant to AIDS. The girls, born a few weeks ago, have an HIV-positive father.

According to him, girls need this type of protection because there is no vaccine.

The task of the experiment was not confirmed by any independent body and He Jiankui also did not publish his results in scientific writings, so that other researchers could have examined the results of the research.

If the story of Hes is true, it is the first time that such an intervention is made.

Eight volunteers – HIV-positive fathers and HIV-negative mothers – are initially reported for experimentation, but a couple left later.

Wake up hope that genetic modification will prevent the disease

He Jiankui defends his experience in the hope of being able to prevent diseases by using a genetic modification.

He Jiankui presents his experience with human embryos. University of Hong Kong 28.11.2018

He Jiankui presents his experience with human embryos. University of Hong Kong 28.11.2018
He Jiankui presents his experience with human embryos. University of Hong Kong 28.11.2018
DNA, Genetics, Geneticist, Fetus, Baby, Science, Embryo, Genkarta, Chromosome, Experience, Il Jiankui

Hes' s speech today in Hong Kong was his first official presentation of the controversial binocular experiment.

At the same time, he informed the public that there was also a pregnant woman who is "potentially" included in her experience. It is said that this pregnancy is at a very early stage.

Their publication raises more questions than answers

After Hes' speech in Hong Kong, influential industry researchers said that, with even greater doubts and concerns, he was looking at HP's experiences and that his conference raised more questions than answers.

During the conference, he did not answer the following questions: who paid for his research and how to make sure that the participants understood all the potential risks and benefits of the operation.

He could not explain why he had kept his job at work once finished.

A genealogy can be inherited

The researchers warn about the consequences of genetic modification on human embryos.

Changing DNA before or during conception is very controversial because a modification can inherit, damage other genes and affect the entire genome.

Genetic modification is – with the exception of laboratory research – prohibited in many countries.

Jennifer Doudna, a researcher at the University of California-Berkeley, told the AP news agency that she was happy that He Jiankui had come forward, but felt that his experience was unacceptable.

Doudna is one of the researchers who developed the CRISPR / Cas9 editing tool, which he would have used for the experiment.

The experience of He Jianku did not meet the criteria required by genetic engineering– David Baltimore, Nobel laureate

Nobel laureate and conference leader David Baltimore emphasized at the conference that Hes' work was irresponsible because it did not meet the criteria accepted by many researchers many years ago – criteria to be met before Consider recruiting a genetic modification.

According to him, it is irresponsible to carry out an experiment in which the security aspects are not correctly taken into account. He also criticizes the lack of transparency.

– The results were presented after everything had already passed and the children were born.


Image: Brain light / Alamy / All Over Press
Embryology, genetics, research, ethics

"Personally, I do not think it was necessary purely medical.There are other diseases for which the need for this type of operation is much more urgent than the prevention of an HIV infection. .

According to Baltimore, this shows that the scientific community has clearly failed to control itself and prevent premature attempts to modify DNA.

George Daley, another researcher at the Hong Kong conference, warned participants. He pointed out that Hes' experiments could lead to negative reactions for genetically modified research – and that the research community could be costly.

"Just because this first case may be a mistake, it should not encourage us to keep our heads in the sand and avoid thinking about the very, very positive aspects that a more responsible path can still lead", said Daley.

Security and ethics are in doubt

The safety and ethics of this type of experience raise concerns.

Many researchers question strongly about the exposure of healthy embryos and children to gene modification.

– The Pandora's Box has been opened, writing in an open letter to more than 100 researchers – mostly from China. They point out that it is dangerous and unjustified to use CRISPR / Cas9 technology for the manipulation of human embryo genes.

Chinese authorities and many research units have also abandoned testing.

It is unclear whether he has violated China's research laws and is likely to be punished for his experiences.

Sources: AP, AFP, Reuters

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