Accident at the E6 – accident of a truck and a particular car


The alarm arrived just after 17:00 on Thursday.

– Ambulance and rescue services are alerted. We are also on our way to the place of the accident, "Brehm said.

The place of the accident is located between Stenungsund and Ödsmållsbron.

Shortly after 5 pm, the rescue services decided to cut traffic to the southwest.

Truck and car accident

SOS Alarm:

– This is a side collision between a truck and a passenger car. Two people are involved, but no one should have left one of the vehicles, a state of alarm and management operator.

Ambulance on the spot felt that no one needs hospital care. He will come back.

At 5.30 pm, the rescue service is still in place.

– Vehicles must be cleaned, but then it will be clear, indicate the alarm and the management operator.

Long queues have arisen

There were long queues in front of the scene of the accident.

"We were able to open a lane, but the speed of the course is limited, the queues are so long," said Robert Olsson, assistant manager of the rescue service at 18 hours.

We can expect the problems to last at least an hour.

"We are now waiting for large carriers to eliminate the long haul, after which the passenger car, which is locked against the middle rack, is carrying gasoline," says Olsson.

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