Timbuktu suits Swedish Democrats – it takes a million


Swedish artist Jason Diakité, known as artist Timbuktu, has filed a lawsuit against Swedish Democrats.

Timbuktu is the author of the popular song "Everyone wants paradise, but no one wants to die", which he published in Universal 2005. The artist believes that Swedish Democrats have surrendered guilty of violating the copyright when, during the 2018 election campaign, they posted election posters carrying the message "Everyone wants but no one wants to die in the queue".

In the application concerning the mood, it is written: "SD has intentionally or negligently and without the authorization of the applicant in his election campaign of September 2018, used the text" Everyone wants paradise but no one does not want to die prisoner in the queue "on the election posters in Stockholm, which constitutes a violation of the copyright in relation to the title of the current song and to the line of text of the chorus of the song ".

Timbuktu needs a million crowns

The application was filed with the Patent and Markets Court on Thursday.

Jason Diakité and Universal now need a million Swedish kroner to know "or any other effective amount". In addition, they demand that the Swedish Democrats pay compensation of $ 250,000 to Universal and 50,000 Swedish crowns to Jason Diakite.

The documents submitted in the trial include an electronic correspondence with the Swedish Democrats and a market study on what people associate with the phrase "Everyone wants paradise, but no one wants to die".

The press service of the Swedish Democrats said:

– We can confirm that the party took part in a lawsuit brought by Timbuktu and Universal. As the process is so early, we currently have no additions.

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