THL: Most likely more cases of measles are discovered | Ostrobothnia


After finding that a child from Larsmo had a measles disease at the Institute of Health and Wellness, THL thinks more cases will come.

The child was with his family traveling to the Middle East, where he was probably exposed to the disease. There is a measles epidemic in the region.

Dr. Marko Rahkonen, of infections in Soite, hopes that all those who have been in contact with the child, for example at Sundö Sundöh's prayer house in Larsmo, will contact the health center quickly.

"In this way, we can solve the problem as quickly as possible," says Rahkonen.

Low vaccination coverage

According to THL, there is no reason to worry about the spread of the disease in other Finland, because the measles immunization coverage is high in other Finland.

But in Larsmo, only 75% of the population is vaccinated.

– It's way too low. We hope that we can make parents understand how important the vaccine is and thus increase immunization coverage, "said Mia Kontio of THL.

Kontio thinks that it is very likely that more cases will be discovered, because among vulnerable people, many are not vaccinated.

"If we can administer immune globulin (= antibodies), we can safely prevent the infection of some people," says Kontio.

Monitor the situation of the vulnerable for several days

According to THL, the hospital district of Vasa, the central Ostrobothnia hospital district, the municipal staff responsible for infections and THL participate in the monitoring of infections.

It will take several days to verify if the symptoms exhibited show signs of transmission and control.

Every year, 0 to 5 people are measurable in the case of measles in Finland. Last year was exceptional when eleven people succumbed to measles.

Last year, the number of cases increased due to measles outbreaks in Europe. However, the number of measles cases in Europe has decreased this year.

The article is based on Luodossa Pohjanmaalla todettu tuhkarokkotapaus, yli sata altistunutta – video: THL asiantuntija pitää lisätartuntoja todennäköisinä written by Joel Holma, Riikka Oosi and Jenni Frilander.

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