Researchers: Perhaps a cure for serious public health – News in Kalmar – 24 hours a day


Now scientists can be one step closer to healing Alzheimer's disease. It can be difficult to diagnose the disease for health care – but now researchers at Lund have developed a method to detect Alzheimer's disease at an early stage. This could, in turn, lead to a cure, as reported by the local newspaper Ystad.

By injecting a substance into the brain, one finds the first traces of Alzheimer's disease, writes the newspaper. The patient is then scanned with a PET camera used today in the health sector to screen for cancer. C & # 39; Oskar Hansson, Professor of Neurology and Senior Physician at Lund University, who, together with an international research team, has found a way to track Alzheimer's disease in the brain.

– The subject is unique and binds the sick protein rope to pieces. It is a rope that causes death of nerve cells in the brain and Alzheimer's disease in patients. By beaming the brain, we can then see where the injured area is. If we do not find anything, the symptoms are due for other reasons, "says Oskar Hansson at local newspaper Ystad.

The discovery is a big one The steps toward healing are expected by Oskar Hansson and his international research colleagues.

– It has been found that the method works very well. Many patients with Alzheimer's are not correctly diagnosed, but we have found a way to detect the disease at an early stage. I think it can help those who are investigating a cure, "Oskar Hansson told local newspaper Ystad.

Some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is characterized by memory problems, feelings of anxiety and difficulty in finding words, which is a relatively non-specific symptom, which makes it difficult to diagnose. They can have several causes, such as stress or depression. The diagnosis should therefore be facilitated by the new method.

Still, the method is not approved for clinical use, but Oskar Hansson thinks it will be used in a few years.

"We know that our study has opened doors and that other studies are underway, particularly in the US A study that, together with ours, can be an important puzzle to get the method approved by the US. pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Europe.I think it will be used in clinic two years from now.

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