Isabelle Gulldén unsecured card for the Premiership at Handball EM


Gulldén has been injured in the championships several times before.

After the 2010 Euro 2012, when Sweden won the silver medal, expectations were high before the 2011 World Cup in Brazil.

"Then I broke my hand before, remembering Gulldén who had been allowed to play two weeks before the first.

She came to play but never reached the same level as the success of emerging countries in Norway and Denmark. Sweden finished first in ninth place.

In front of EM at home in 2016, Gulldén is injured in the thigh during a training match against Germany. Sweden has won only one of five games in emerging countries and has qualified for the quarter-finals against Brazil.

"It's not the best championships, it's clear that I would have liked to have several games in my body and feel good about this championship, and now I do not really know where I am.

She has the question how In fact, it's with the foot that she had pain in mid-October.

"It's good," says Gulden.

But she changes quickly.

"It feels better and better, it is not completely painless but it starts to catch it.

Gulldén does not believe that Danish players will exploit the wounds and make it even harder to get her out of the game.

"I think it's hard to exploit that way – it's more about how much I can play.

Although Gulden can not play in total she thinks it will be fine.

"It's basically the same team as before.What's still good about being injured, is that everyone has basically played with everyone.

Carin Strömberg entered as mittnia when Gulldén was injured and did well but does not have the same class as Gulldén.

"She did well, we have a team where you can stop a player without the difference.

The injury prevented Gulldén from playing in French in Brest, the club in which she left CSM Bucharest.

"It's different in Brest, very different from Bucharest.In Brest, everything is closed on Sunday, Bucharest is still alive.I am a calm person, but I do not use the nightlife.

She admits that it's hard to lose Johanna Westberg, left, though he did not show up for emergencies for personal reasons.

"She is in great shape, so it is clear that we will miss her a lot.

Many international stars are far from the EM tournament. Norway have just played without Nora Mörk who has won the last three championships.

"It's as if many have not gone, it's very boring, you may have to start thinking about what's happening in the world of handball when there are so many injuries.

When a Danish television crew interviews Gulldén, she asks him to rank the team in group A.

For Gulden, Sweden is only one, Denmark the second, Serbia a trait. Poland will be the team that will not go to the main round, tipping Gulldén.

"I do not know," Gulden said with a smile. The only thing that matters is that we will be one, the others will go anywhere.

She thinks in France or Norway as a champion of Europe.

"Norway always has a good team and a winning culture, France is good and also has the house.

Friday night, Denmark is waiting for the opening match of the group. Sweden eliminated Denmark in the World Cup final in 2017.

"It's a tough and aggressive team, we played good defense games and Hanna Blomstrand was really good, we'll take it with you," Gulden said.

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