The guards of the door stopped the brass in Sahlgrenska


Sahlgrenska has been effective in his work on limiting the measles outbreak in Gothenburg last year. At the same time, they brought with them new knowledge for future outbreaks.

  • Posted on 07:00 pm 25 Dec 2018

On December 10 of last year, the first case of measles was discovered at the Eastern Hospital. After that, another 27 patients became ill in December and January. On Christmas day, Sahlgrenska went to work. Through screening for infections, it was found that the majority of patients had been in contact with the first case.

Read also: The new measles epidemic also affects the vaccinated

Read also: The last case of measles was infected in the city

Although the epidemic was relatively large with the Swedish measures, Sahlgrenska managed to stop the spread of the infection. This shows an analysis of the measles epidemic of last year.

– We reacted quickly and were able to adapt our operations to the new situation, which is a good thing because there will probably be similar epidemics in the future. And the employees did a great job, says Anders Hyltander in a press release. He is Sector Head and Chair of the Hospital-wide Planning Group for Medical Preparedness for Risk, Crisis and Emergencies.

Measles is the most contagious disease we have in Sweden. Although most people are vaccinated, there are people whose protection is inadequate.

Last year's analysis of the epidemic also shows that one of the success factors was the presence of guards outside emergency services that prevented sick people from entering.

Last year's outbreak also provided valuable new insights for future measles outbreaks, including infectivity, immunity and new infections.

– This work can lead to better diagnoses during new measles outbreaks and a better study of immunity. This enhances our ability to prevent and manage future outbreaks, "said Lars-Magnus Andersson, Senior Physician and Chief Operating Officer, Infection.

One of the improvements in the analysis was the difficulty of searching for information.

Read also: Infected staff may have transmitted measles to the women's clinic

What are the symptoms like?

– The typical symptoms of measles are: fever, malaise, eye irritation, cough, headache and rash of the oral mucosa – may be misinterpreted as canker sores. After three to four days, a red, often confluent, spotted skin rash usually begins on the face and then spreads to bonfires and extremities.

How dangerous is measles?

– Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease, but in most cases it is safe and self-curing. Despite most people who become ill afterwards, measles can lead to serious complications despite modern health care. Even measles deaths occur.

– Today, there are misconceptions that the disease is "safe" and that the complications of measles have only been observed in the past.

– 1 in 10 people with measles get an ear infection, 1 in 20 gets pneumonia, 1 in 1,000 gets brain inflammation that can lead to permanent brain damage and 1 to 2 measles cases worldwide die consequences of the disease.

How to protect yourself?

– The vaccine is the best protection against measles. There is a very effective combined vaccine against measles, mumps and red dogs. This vaccine has been included in the general immunization program since 1982. Although measles vaccines provide good protection, vaccinated people may still get sick, but this is unusual.

– Vaccination against measles takes place with two doses. Even after the first vaccination, the protection is very good, but two doses are necessary for the protection to be as long as possible. After two doses of the vaccine, protection against the disease is considered permanent. In the second case, it is not so urgent, it can for example be taken before an international trip. As soon as possible, you can vaccinate again after one month.

Source: Thomas Wahlberg, MD

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