Oskar Svensson returns to Sundby: "Error"


The organizers of the Tour de ski have, in recent years, changed the distances in the competition in stages.

And they have never been as short as this season.

Today's race in Toblach is only one example. Previously, the hunt was still three miles long – but now the distance race is "only" 15 kilometers.

And it continues.

The rest of the circuit consists of two sprint races and four races of 15 km maximum.

The reason: you want to prevent the Tour from becoming so demanding that skiers should drop out because of the upcoming World Championship in Seefeld.

Sundby: "It's too beautiful"

But Martin Johnsrud Sundby, who has already won the Tour de ski twice before, is not at all happy.

– No, it'll be too nice.

He looks like everything with that "pee in the pants to keep warm"With the sub-phrase that in the long run, this will undermine the status of the tour as a power test.

– The tour is designed to be difficult, to get the best skier, says Sundby at NTB.

But not everyone agrees with Sundby.

Sweden's Oskar Svensson, fifth Olympic sprint in Pyeongchang, believes Sundby is completely wrong.

– On the contrary, I think it is in this way that the Tour de ski will be developed. Against lighter steps. Where it is tight. The 23-year-old, who was nine years old in Saturday's sprint, finds that this happens often.

Oskar Svensson continues:

– But in the world of skiing, it seems that many of them are afraid of it. Afraid that it is too equal. That's something bad. I just think it's exciting.

Want to have the drama in the last

Do not want longer distances?

– I have nothing against the longer races. But then he should be on a slightly lighter ground. Just like many cycling races.

Oskar Svensson believes that an exceedingly difficult program removes much of the tragedy of the ski tour.

– There is nothing fun in that the round is decided before the final stage. The dream scenario should always be that 5 to 6 runners vie for victory early in the last leg, Svensson says.

He keeps on:

– I want it to change well until the finish line on Alpe Cermis.

READ MORE: Schedule, hours of television and skaters – An excellent guide for the Tour de Ski

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