Bonnier would have bought the media group Mittmedia


The battle to buy the group was opposed to Bonnier (where DN is included) and to the Norwegian company listed on the Polaris stock exchange. During the Friday morning, several tasks led to the conclusion that the transaction was about to be concluded – with Bonnier as a buyer.

– A sharp increase in concentration on the market will be a natural consequence. What also affects overall concentration is the way in which television goes between Bonnier and Telia, explains Lennart Weibull, a media researcher at the University of Gothenburg.

It refers to the dubious purchase of Telier in Bonnier Broadcasting, in which TV4 is included.

According to the media world, during negotiations yesterday, Bonnier lowered Mittmedia's previously high bid after the deterioration of the economy. The value is estimated between 50 and 100 million SEK.

While Bonnier Polaris Media intends to repurchase 70% of the shares. The Northwest Territories (15%) and VK (10%) would own, while foundations should keep 5%.

If Bonnier wins the market, a lawsuit awaits the Swedish competition authority.

– In the long term, this can lead to increased coordination, so that the diversity of the media landscape decreases. This risk is obvious, says Lennart Weibull.

Mittmedia was founded by Gefle Dagblad and today includes 28 daily newspapers, websites and digital platforms. The group includes local journalists such as Arbetarbladet, Norrtelje Tidning and Vestmanlands Läns Tidning.

The agreement will be presented Friday at 1 pm, according to Media World.

DN solicits comments from Anders Eriksson, Bonnier News CEO, Carl Johan Bonnier and the Media Center Board.

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