SVT is removed for disclaimer | Gothenburg after


The inquiry committee is narrowing Swedish television for giving up a statement by Swedish Democratic Party leader Jimmie Åkesson, reports SR Ekot.

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The statement in question was dropped during the final debate on 7 September.

"Only immigrants have a job and everything is going to work" – they said it all the time. It does not happen, he does not understand. So, why is it so difficult for these people to find a job? This is because they are not Swedish. They were not part of Sweden, Åkesson said at the time.

After the debate, the host called the statement "grossly generalizing" and added that SVT rejects it.

According to the Review Committee, the marking of SVT might appear to be a political position and the fact that the waiver was granted in the context of a party leader's debate affected the assessment.

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