Two accidents Sunday morning – NWT


The morning was disordered in traffic in Värmland. Several accidents have occurred.

– We had an accident with a horse-carrying car that ended up in the ditch and a car where a car went into the gate, said Nils Weslien, rescue agent ready to intervene in the services of Karlstad's emergency.

The first accident occurred in Hallersrud, Hammarö, just after 7 hours.

– There were no horses in the transport. It was not personal injury either, Weslien said.

Accident number two was a simple accident on Highway 61/62, one kilometer north of Bergvik.

– There was a car that hit the gate. It went very well here too, no injuries, says Nils Weslien, about the accident at half-past eight.

A car was loading at Filipstad on Sunday morning.

Photo: Private

At Filipstad, a car was driving on Parkvägen after leaving the road and entering an electrical cabinet at half-past eight.

According to police, the driver should have been unhurt, but the accident caused disruption in the electricity supply.

In Kristinehamn, two cars were involved in what the police call a side impact at the intersection of Ringvägen and Fältvägen.

"There was a car that was supposed to cross the road and get hit," says Joakim Svärd at the Bergslagen rescue service.

Two people were taken to the hospital for control.

In addition to the emergency services, police and ambulance were at the scene of the accident.

On E45, north of Fagerås, two cars collided at nine o'clock.

According to the first reports of SOS Alarm, all the people involved, five in number, in the accident came out of the cars.

– There were two cars that ran into each other, but it seems to have gone relatively well, said Nils Weslien.

Access to the site was limited during rescue operations.

Relief services, police and ambulances were in place.

There is a lot of snow in the area.

SMHI issued a Class I warning regarding snowfall in Värmland. Locally, in the north of Värmland, it can fall up to 15 centimeters of snow. During the day, the snowfall will dissipate in the rain.

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