A 17-year-old man sentenced for gun murder inside the pizzeria


On the evening of January 8, a masked man entered a pizzeria in Rinkeby, north-west of Stockholm. In front of the guests, he fired a shot at a 25-year-old man who met him in his head and died. The prison was filmed by surveillance cameras.

The murder, on January 8, of a man who visited a pizzeria in Rinkeby was captured by surveillance cameras. Photo: police.

In late October, a 17-year-old man, 16 years old at the time of the deceased, was charged with murder and serious violent crimes.

The motive was probably revenge

Behind the murder, it is a reason for revenge. It's about a murder committed in a garage in Rinkeby, which took place a week before going to the pizzeria.

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"It's a clear motivational picture and it's part of an ongoing gang conflict, murder is a revenge for a previous murder, Prosecutor Olof Calmvik told Metro as part of the prosecution of the 17-year-old.

Now 17, he is sentenced to murder, serious crimes and drug offenses.

In the verdict, the district court lists circumstances stating that the murderer is 17 years old, among other things, that his DNA was on cartridges in the magazine of the crime weapon. The court also points out that the murderer, according to surveillance films, presents certain physiological abnormalities that are part of this young man of 17 years. The court concludes that "it is virtually ruled out that there may be a person other than NN who is the author of the offense".

The right: aggravating circumstances

The court also said that the murder had aggravating circumstances – that it had been committed in a pizzeria where other people were at risk of injury and that it had been planned and executed " in a gang-related environment ".

The lawsuit shows that the penalty for murder is 18 years in prison, but because of the age of 17, the punishment is punishable by three years of closed custody for youth.

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Among the Järva gang's young criminals, the phrase "Bring a 4th to become a 100-year-old man" is the expression. This means that you are ready to be sentenced to four years in prison for murder in order to prove his loyalty and to be 100% recognized by his gang, according to information provided by the preliminary inquiry. .

The 17-year-old denied the murder during the investigation.

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