A bank robber always at ease


Photo: Niklas Luks / TT

A firefighter extinguishes a burning car suspected of being a fleet after a robbery against the savings fund in Åtvidaberg on Friday.

The continuation of bank robberies in Åtvidaberg, which fired at the police, has so far yielded no results.

"We have no arrest or suspects," said Chief Police Officer Torbjörn Lindqvist.

We still do not know what change the thieves had and whether the police car they shot at was shot.

The theft against the savings fund in Åtvidaberg took place at 3 pm Friday. Several people in robberies, armed with what has been described as automatic weapons, entered the room.

After loading the unknown flight, the thieves disappeared into a light gray BMW, which was later found burned in the Fågelsången district.

The thieves then replaced their vehicles with a bronze-colored Peugeot. During the flight, they fired on a later police car.

A major police initiative, including helicopters and reinforcements from several counties, is underway.

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