A boy who died in a drowning accident in Skåne


A 10-year-old boy drowned Saturday afternoon at the Ringsjöstrand campsite in Hörby

Police officers, lifeguards, paramedics and a rescue helicopter from Sjöräddningen were alerted and the boy was found in the water. He was taken to the hospital, but his life could not be saved.

At 17 hours, police, rescue and ambulance were alerted to Ringsjöstrand camp after the disappearance of a 10-year-old boy

handed over by health professionals. The boy was taken to a hospital where he was found dead. The boy's parents are informed.

– It's very tragic. It always feels terribly useless when people die and, in particular, children, "says Rickard Lundqvist, the president of the police.

Police do not suspect any crime in connection with the incident


These were handed over by the emergency service. It indicates the font on their website.

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