A knife cut to a big noise in Borås


None of the people on the site should have wanted to talk to the police. Neither the knife man wants to talk to a policeman.

– Someone has obviously called and alarmed, but of course no one wants to talk to us, "said Ull Brehm, president of the West Police. The police cut off the man in his arm. He was found with his arm wrapped in a shirt and blew then he was later transported to the hospital with an ambulance.

According to information to BT, the man cutting the knife should also be injured within.

and the other in the arm, "said Edvard Berner, station officer at the Borås police station, to the newspaper.

Knife found on the spot

– We will be heard at l 39; hospital, but it has been said that it could take time before it is possible, "said Ulla Brehm.

The police should have found a knife and clothing in connection with the incident and seized them.

The incident is classified as gross abuse.

We managed to catch a man at the age of 40 for the stabbing.

– We were left on the spot talking to witnesses, people who did not actively participate in the fight. After a careful and well done job, we were able to seize a suspect for abuse. We have also launched a preliminary investigation, says Brehm.

MORE INFO: 20 people in the large city center of Gothenburg

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