A longer life with an anti-inflammatory diet – News


The participants, who live in Uppsala, Västmanland and in Örebro County, had to complete a large survey, among others, to find out what they ate and drank. According to the responses, and using levels of inflammatory CRP in the blood of 3,500 participants, the researchers calculated a score in a 16-degree anti-inflammatory regimen, reports Upsala New Newspaper.

16 years after the end of the survey, the researchers followed the participants. 16,000 had died and mortality was lower among participants who scored high on the index. Researchers from the University of Uppsala and the Karolinska Institute also found that disadvantaged people died at a younger age. The difference in life between non-smokers and non-smokers was seven months, while smokers were 1.7 years old.

Smoking has powerful inflammatory effects that, without counteracting the forces, accelerate the development of atherosclerosis. Professor Alicja Wolk told the newspaper that among people who have never smoked, the inflammatory activity in the body would usually be lower and therefore less beneficial.

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