A lost person in Kungsbacka found dead


The man who was in the 85's had gone out and was gone for his usual walk on Sunday. When he had not returned at 3 pm, his family, police and others had searched him in the immediate vicinity.

During the afternoon of Monday, police announced that a body had been found in a moss in the area where it had been searched. Parents are informed.

Considerable effort

Polypat rolls with dogs searched all night in the current search area. They also sent inquiries to taxi companies and local traffic in the Kungsbacka area.

Monday morning, the search for the man has intensified. Helicopters, drones, police and soldiers participated in the search effort.

"We went to a" special event ", which means we are releasing resources, which is a major priority for other activities," said Hans Lippens, West West Police Chief.

No traces

Nearly 40 police officers and 70 activists participated in the search along the roads and small roads.

A police helicopter participated in the search, but the search was delayed before it could be lifted.

"We waited a bit in front of the clouds of fog, we also use drunkards," explains Hans Lippens.

At the present time, there is no suspicion of crimes.

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