A man arrested for attempted murder in Högsbo | Gothenburg after


– This is the technical evidence underlying the new suspicions. Since the approaches were similar and the crime scene is close, it was suggested that the offender could be the same. In a press release, Annika Johansson, an investigator at the Greater Gothenburg Crime Section, sent us an analytical message that reinforces the hypothesis.

It is in March of this year that Eddie Svensson was killed in his apartment. A similar event occurred in December during a flight in the same area, this time surviving the victim. Since then, the police have worked after the assumption that the crimes may be related to the same offender.

READ MORE: Suspected of the murder of Högsbo arrested

"Excuse me"

The attempted murder is an event December last year, when a man in the middle of the night met the suspect in his lobby. The victim had trouble sleeping, and from his bed he should have heard the ass of a couple of keys. The man then thought that it was his son who came home, but then began a struggle for survival.

– He seemed to look for something in the room and I saw that he was longer than my son. When I asked what he was doing, he said "excuse me". Then he started to hit me, said the victim to GP in March

The victim would then have had to go out on the stairs where his neighbor had met him and had replaced his wound with towels. Before that, he assumes that the knife has leaked into the stairwell. When the man had to leave the hospital two days later, he did it with more than 40 stitches on his body.

READ MORE: Words alleged to be murderous before the brutal knife attack: "Excuse me"

Likely motive for attempted murder

The suspect, 35 years old , was arrested by Göteborgs court last Thursday for suspected suspicion of attempted murder, which is the strongest suspicion. In addition, the police state that the man denies the crimes and that there is no evidence that the suspect knew the victim.

The man currently arrested for the attempted murder and murder in Högsbo has already been convicted for a large number of violent offenses. He was sentenced to two long terms of imprisonment for drug trafficking, robbery and robbery. He has also been suspected of addiction several times before.

READ MORE: Suspected murderer convicted

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