A man at the age of 20 died after filming in Malmö


It was Monday at 21:28 that police were alerted by a shotgun on the road to Von Rosen, Rosengård in Malmö. Several people called and told them they heard a shotgun.

– The appellants spoke of a roaring, shooting and a saying that they heard more than three blows, "said Calle Persson, presidential spokesman of the police center in South South


– They find a man wounded by a bullet on a sidewalk and about fifteen people are there, says Calle Persson.

A man in the death of the 20 in the shootings

An ambulance was also alerted the life of the man could not be saved.At 23:30, their loved ones were reached by the death penalty.

– He died and the loved ones were greeted by the message. is a 20-year-old man, says Calle Persson

A great effort is underway on the ground
Photo: Fritz Schibli
A major effort is being made on the spot. [19659011] Fritz Schibli

Techniques and a dogs on the spot

Techniques and weapons dog began his work to secure the trail on the site.

– The police work and began to testify, says Calle Persson.

According to police, there is a lot of evidence, but some suspects were not caught late Monday night.

– We have information from people in place and from people who call, and we process them according to their arrival so we can have a clear idea of ​​the course of events and of an alleged offender, " explains Calle Persson. Dog drivers worked on the spot. [19659000] Photography: Fritz Schibli

The police load an object in one of his cars
Fritz Schibli

According to Aftonbladet, the police will look for two men on each black moped, one in black jacket and a silver helmet, the other in black jacket and red helmet. A person should have been picked up for questioning, and the police should also search for several cars. However, the data can not be confirmed by the police.

– There are more details than those in the media. He is grateful that so much testimony has been given at an early stage and continues to arrive, but there are also people who do not want to talk to us, "says Calle Persson.

Moped found burnt: "Interesting"

were used at work. Later in the night, a burned moped was found at Persborg and a larger stop was established around the vehicle.

– This interests us, we do not know if there is a connection, but it is rather close to the first event.

At the same time, the police continue to invite the one who has other witnesses to turn to them

– We are interested in everything. Observations before the event and after. Images, movies, all, says Calle Persson

Police arrived at the scene two minutes after the first call.

Photo: Fritz Schibli

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