"A man exploded to death in Stockholm"


Anders Thornberg Admission as a political police officer in February 2018. He then resumed the work of the Riksbank Dan Eliasson previously criticized. In his summer speech, he recounts how the Swedish security police stopped a terrorist attack in Copenhagen, which could have been as treacherous as when ISI attacked Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015.

– The security police could be prosecuted during Christmas 2010. A month earlier, we were informed that several people in Sweden had planned a terrorist council in Denmark. The information we received was very reliable and we quickly obtained permission to call. The tensions were concentrated in an apartment in the West of Stockholm and it turned out that it was about people we already knew, says Anders Thornberg in his career. ;summer.

Anders Thornberg builds at the beginning of his summer puzzle the question mark of the listener wondering what will be next to the history of terrorist police work. Similar to the interrogation points that security police work daily in their work to combat crime and terror.

– But suddenly something suddenly happened in the middle of the job, a man broke out at the crossing Bryggargatan and Drottninggatan in the center of Stockholm. Had we missed the target of the attack? But no, we could quickly cancel a relationship, it was two completely different terrorist investigations.

– In the apartment we listened to, we talked about weapons and methods of execution. "Everyone in front of us will die in addition to women, we will go to the newspaper, we will go tomorrow" we became more convinced that the goal was Jyllands Posten in Copenhagen that had created anger in radical Islamic circles.

security police, but who, despite everything, feel, with their Danish colleagues, that they are under control.

– Everything indicated that the terrorists had a safe apartment in Copenhagen. But everything went very fast and the resolution ended rather odramatically. The Danish security police decided to seize the suspects in the apartment in Copenhagen. Thanks to our tremendous intelligence network, we managed to identify a planned terrorist act similar to that of Charlie Hebdo in Paris

The unpleasant history makes us understand the importance of the work to which the security police is confronted each day. Anders Thornberg gives us a glimpse of a job so important that we can live a normal life without terror or threats.

The summer in P1 with Anders Thornberg broadcast in podcast at 19:00 on Monday, July 16 and broadcast at 13:00 in P1.

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