A man is shot dead in a residential area of ​​Vänersborg


Early Wednesday morning, a man was found dead in a residential area of ​​Vänersborg. Shortly after, a man in the 30s was arrested, who later suspected of suspicion of murder.

According to the police, the victim is a 25-year-old man

– He was shot dead. We seized several weapons, "said Sten-Rune Timmersjö, head of the Serious Crime Department at Fyrbodal.

READ MORE: Death found in residential area – Assumed murder

Later Wednesday, two women, one in the 50s and the other in the 25s and another man in the 30s, quite suspicious of the murder.

Sten-Rune Timmersjö, head of the Crime Division of Fyrbodal, reports that police seized several weapons.


No Reason Explained

The police are still angry about the murder themselves. [19659002] – We continue to try to discover the course of events.In terms of reasons, we have not even examined it yet.We are also investigating how the arrested people knew the victim, "explains Sten-Rune Timmersjö

He does not want to comment on who reported the crime to the police.

Ask for advice

On Wednesday, police knocked on the door in the area.

– We want to hear if anyone has observed anything that may lead us to the preliminary investigation, says Christer Fuxborg

Police are interested in contacting people who have seen or heard something which could be associated with the incident. Call the police via 114 14 to give advice.

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