A man was shot at the Solna station with homemade weapons


The alarm arrived at the police at 4:15 pm on Friday. Several people then explained that – at the Solna suburban railway station – they had heard sounds that looked like a hunter or a shot. There was also a man with an arm-in-arm injury

A major police initiative was launched and no train was allowed to stay at the station.



         Police were alerted from the Solna suburban train station after the noise of the high-pitched fires.

Photo: Reader image


– It sounded very loud, I did not hear a loud voice. It became cluttered, then I saw someone throw something on the railroad and then run to the gates, said a witness on the spot.

The man was shot

The object found on the runway was taken by the police. After a while, it appeared that the man was injured

– We know that no one else is involved, that is what was found in the investigation work still underway, said Towe Hägg to the police at that time.

The man in the man found the police several weapons.

Photo: Reader image


The man was rushed to hospital with a stopped ambulance suspected of a serious shootout. In the man's house, additional weapons were found, police said.

Police: "Danger of Death"

– These are homemade weapons. No advanced things without weapons that have the ability to fire a projectile. This is nothing extraordinary, but rather an unsophisticated technology, but still dangerous if used in the wrong way, "says Oskar Tallryd, investigator investigator of the police of the North Region, in Aftonbladet.

. ] – The crime has nothing to do with terrorism or anything like that. It's a pure accident accident, "Tallryd told Aftonbladet.

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