A masked person burst into a dwelling – "Very terrible"


It was early Sunday morning that the Klippan staff alerted the police after a person had entered the accommodation. The masked person never entered a unit, but remained stuck in the corridors outside. According to the staff, the person should have had an ax with her.

– I met the night staff this morning. They were shocked and sharpened, "said Sanna Kallijärvi, regional health care manager in Haparanda.

Looking over their routines

When the police arrived at the scene, the person was missing and no one had been arrested.

Do you want to take action after that?

– Absolutely. We will review security and night procedures. We have already started today and will continue on Monday.

"To be both angry and sad"

However, residents have never seen the masked person asleep on their units.

– It's very terrible that. Both for our seniors and the staff. It must be a safe working environment for the staff. I am both angry and sad that someone behaves this way.

Have there been similar events in the past?

– Attempt to enter a unit with an ax has never occurred before. But we were not allowed that night. Now, it is important to check and analyze to ensure that this does not happen again, says Sanna Kallijärvi, Head of Healthcare Division at Haparanda.

Police consider the incident as an intrusion and unlawful damage and suspect the person to be in search of medication. At the moment, there is no information on anything stolen.

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