A report on racism against the Sami is withdrawn after criticism


It is "after an internal review" of the report "Mission to identify racism against the Sami", as the Vereeniging Center for Sami research at the University of Umeå will complete its report, she writes in a press release of October 27th.

Jonny Hjelm, professor of history at the University of Umeå, wrote an article of debate on the report published Sunday in DN Debate and DN.se Saturday night.

"In my opinion, the report presents major quality deficiencies and categorical generalizations about Sami discrimination, whether weak or non-existent, in the reported empirical evidence. also risks increasing discrimination against the Sami, "writes Hjelm in the article in the debate, and also states that the report supports" rather strangely "the controversial position of former President Björn Söder (SD) that "Sami is not a Swede".

Criticism of the report is broad and partly concerns the evolution of issues during work and partly because the methods used are not scientifically correct, including in the case of an investigation that resulted in "two Sami on three exposes to racism ".

Hjelm believes that the report is likely to be perceived as a work of command likely to raise mistrust towards "the establishment" and to undermine "the moods that led to xenophobia and populism have gained influence ever greater in elected congregations of Western democracies ".

The University of Umeå writes in the press release, it was found that "the report had formal and methodological flaws" and that "to this end, it will examine it according to the examinations and make the necessary additions".

Per Axelsson, head of the Department of Ideas and Social Sciences, says that he agrees with Jonny Hjelm about criticism.

"Normally, you should do an analysis of the sort that Johnny does on DN's internal debate, but that does not matter in this case because of the working conditions," he said. he told DN.

That it's not him because of deprivation Other in case of illness and lack of time. Additions include documentation of balances made.

– We must complete the methodology and analysis. The problematization must be clear, I would like to say.

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