A school with alleged jihadist recruits is released by the school inspectorate: "We comply with the legislation in force"


GÖTEBORG The Gothenburg University of Science had a bleak time when it was discovered that the school was praying at school and led by an alleged jihadist recruiter. Despite this, the School Inspectorate is currently finishing its school study, says Sydsvenskan.

According to the Doku Foundation, Abdel Nasser El Nadi, director of the School of Science, is known by the Säpo as a recruiter of jihadists who want to fight for terrorist organizations such as the IS. Abdel Nasser El Nadi defends himself, but according to Doku, his own school of health contributes to the relatively large number of jihadist travelers recruited in Gothenburg.

READ ALSO: Tasks: The school in Gothenburg is led by an Islamic jihadist recruiter

The school has already been criticized when students in the 1st to 3rd years sang the summer show Ida with a slight modification. In the text, the school has changed and the word "I" in the chorus has been replaced by "Allah", so that the chorus becomes "Allah makes the flowers bloom …"

READ ALSO: Muslim Frisian: "Allah makes the flowers bloom …"

A property agreement also states that the co-owners of the school want the school to be governed by Islamic law and that it is Swedish law in force. Under the agreement, only people with good values ​​under Islamic law can hold shares and the management of the work must be established on the foundation of the Islamic court.

READ ALSO: The radical school of Gothenburg had an unknown Islamist agreement – making a million gains

The School Inspectorate now states that it is terminating the supervision of the Göteborg School of Science, as it considers that the director has taken over the criticisms and corrected the presence of denominational elements in the teaching.

News Today spoke to Helena Boëthius, Head of Unit at the School Inspectorate, and decided to end the supervision of the School of Science.

Become a PLUS member and read the full interview with Helena Boëthius where she:

– explains why they finished the supervision

– explains why we can manage a school and recruit at the same time

– What legislation can facilitate the work

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