A train of raped women – suspected by the function "Find My Iphone"


A woman was raped on a bus outside by an unknown author north of Västerås.

He stole his mobile phone – which was his case.

The police managed to seize the alleged rapist with the "Find My Iphone" feature.

It is after the woman left her bus along Highway 56 north of Västerås that the alleged rape occurred on Sunday night at … [19659004-ThisisawomanwhogetsoffthebussaysLindaWidebergpresidentoftheMittPoliceRegion

– He asks if he can borrow his cell phone. When she says no, he fights her in a bush and rapes her.

Stolen Mobile

After the rape was over, her husband took his cell phone and disappeared from there. When the woman managed to return home, she contacted the police.

– She also told him that she had this feature, "Find my Iphone", that we activate and after a while we can grab the actor in the immediate area using a dog patrol " , said Linda Wideberg, completely unknown to the victim, as she told the police.The man is 35 years old and the crime rate is rape.The woman was taken to the hospital. hospital to be examined

He was later arrested by prosecutors, writes the VLT

The legal expert explains: It is a rape according to the law 00:35

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