A woman arrested for attempted murder in Hässelby


Neighbors alerted the police about a violent apartment in Hässelby

A bloody man with knife wounds was found in the back, according to the duties of Aftonbladet

A woman was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. As neighbors, the police fired a loud noise in an apartment in Hässelby, north of Stockholm

When guests arrived at the address and entered the residence, a wounded and bloody man was found in the 1950s.

Woman suspected of attempted murder

Injured man was taken to hospital with ambulance

– I do not know anything about it, but the complainant was awake and the talks and patrols arrived at the hospital, "says Eva Nilsson. at the police management center.

A 40-year-old woman was in the apartment and arrested by police suspected of attempted murder. She was later arrested by a prosecutor

Housing was blocked for a technical investigation.

The three titles of today Sunday, July 15 00:29

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