A woman would report rape attempts – abandoned the waiting line


On her website, police reported that a woman had been the subject of a rape trial in Deje, Forshaga municipality, on Thursday. Due to the long phone line waiting for the police number, she chose to report the event the next day.

It was in the afternoon on Thursday that the young woman had gone out with a dog along the Klarälvsbanan. She then hits a young man who calls her in a language that she does not understand. He follows her and continues to appeal to her, and the tone becomes more and more threatening.

At a thorn, he attacks it and drops it to the ground. He sits on it and wrestles in his clothes. But the woman can get lost and fly away. She goes home and tries to disturb the police, but it will not be easy.

She first calls the phone number of the police 114 14. When the queue is long, she dials the emergency number 112. She is called 114 114 and returns to the queue d & # 39; waiting. Finally, she can not wait and go to bed.

On Friday, his wounds are examined at the health center in the center of Deje. There, she sees a police car and contacts the patrol who helps her to make a notification. The police are interviewing the woman and making some findings at the scene of the crime.

"It is unfortunate that in this case the police contact areas prompted the police not to carry out significant investigative measures related to the crime committed.The police took investigative measures as early as that she became aware of the crime and allocated considerable resources to her investigation, "police said in a press release.

On Monday, no one was suspected of the crime. The police are interested in any public observation that could have been made Thursday in the center of Deje and Klarälvsbanan.

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