Acute food shortage – now county council appeals


For pastures and fields to start growing again, it takes a lot of rain for a long time. Therefore, the County Administrative Board of Jönköping invites all owners who do not have their own animals, individuals, companies and municipalities to allow the guards to harvest in their fields

– If we have more municipalities to support food producers in the county, Lars Sandberg, head of the Rural Development Department of Jönköping County, in a press release

May cause welfare problems animal

Food shortages are increasing daily in the County and the prefect predicts a severe drought. This causes a great shortage of marshmallows and straw for animals in autumn and winter, which can cause animal welfare problems.

– We see examples of farmers already forced to feed animals with food intended for use in autumn and winter, says Lars Sandberg

Needy Promise

Anyone who has unused fields can offer keepers if they need them for harvesting or baiting. The county council also believes that those with fields that can only be sown this year can harvest them to meet their needs.

The county council can also help landowners find suitable areas for nature conservation. owns the land.

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