After the evacuation – now some may come back – News


Seven days have passed since the evacuation, now they are the first to return. Cancellations must be canceled.

We see that it is possible to return to Huskölen. So, these are positive signals, we will lift the organizational problem of the day, "says lifeguard Robert Strid.

Focusing on victims is the driving force all the time, he explains. During the day, residents will be able to come back to be informed.

However, we must be open to a possible redefinition of priorities, reserved for changes. But at the moment, the situation is positive, says Robert Strid at TT

TT: How do you describe the region where they go home?

There was smoke there, so it's hard to say exactly what it looks like. But we did not have a fire there. Hopefully they will return to a relatively undamaged area, says Strid

Yet there are many others in the Ljusdal district that have been evacuated.

We set priorities all the time in which areas housing can come back. Fight the fire and come home, says Strid.

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