After the miscarriage: "Fear must not stop us from talking"


One night in Visby, she and two comrades carry a large rainbow flag when they meet a group of the NMR.

– They remove the flag, then we resume hunting for the flag, says Nenna Zitrhine (KD) Suddenly, she is surrounded by dozens of members of the NMR who hit her and hit her. She is losing herself, but she is immediately repulsed, this time directly into a lantern.

– Then I feel a strong pain in my hand.

Two fingers out of the joint

The mood is tense soon after Another woman from Nena's company hugged and fell silently into the asphalt.

– And it's only when I look at her that I discover that two of my fingers are out of control and come out of my hand, says Nenna Zithrine

A Doctor Passing Through Visby Street examine his hand and urge him to immediately call an ambulance

<! –

Another problem

she is back in Hässleholm where she previously worked at the KD. Today, she is a member of Kristianstad's Christian Democrats and active in the HBTQ movement

– it's an unusual combination of being an activist of the HBTQ and at the same time Christian Democrat, but he It is obvious to me to defend the same value. 19659002] The hand is still bandaged and she has a swelling in the leg after the aggression in Visby

– But the fear should not stop us from talking. If we keep quiet for fear, it's won, says Nenna Zithrine.

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