Åkesson can think of supporting S-Budget – News


The first year of this mandate, Stefan Löfven (S) was forced to decide on a budget of the Alliance after the vote of the Swedish Democrats. Now, Åkesson opens for him to do the same with a S budget.

I can not exclude anything. If you are willing to accept the mission as Prime Minister, then you should be aware of the difficulties in getting through 100% of their policies. Then you must be ready to talk with me too, "said Åkesson to TT

More Prepared

He was in conjunction with the presentation of his new book The Modern Public House to which Åkesson gave the message. He also said that this time he will be more prepared when he comes to the round of negotiations.

The last time we had a list of questions that were important to us, this time we will have a list of proposals for well-elaborated reforms that we want to see implemented

It is government, legislative and investigation proposals, according to Åkesson

Clumsiness of the Alliance

J & # 39. happens to be well prepared for what we want to implement and what requirements we will put in such a negotiation.

According to Åkesson, this is not the ultimate requirement of what needs to be done to support a first mi

I see it "

He does not pay much attention to the fuss of the Alliance as to the parties that will get presidential seats in parliamentary committees.

I do not see why you should discuss it now. I think voters are completely out of this. I do not know what the Alliance is doing. It is interesting to note that what calls a government alternative is so awkward, says Åkesson.

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