Åkesson: The state must compensate for insecurity


Jimmie Åkesson began Saturday's press conference in Visby saying that Almedal Week "has clearly demonstrated that we are the centrifugal force in Swedish politics."

– Everyone thinks of us It is honorable in many ways. We are starting to approach the place as Sweden's largest party.

Åkesson focuses on security issues during the day of the Swedish Democrats in Almedalen. The perspective of the day is something that the SD calls the "root of security".

– This is a development of root deduction, a popular reform that began as an economic cycle but was abandoned. But the root does not include installations of domestic alarms or other equipment of this type

– When the state breaks, the entire legal community fails, then l 39; State must compensate one way or another, says Jimmie Åkesson. that in his speech tonight he will speak of "cohesion, security and home and why we are the natural heir to the idea of ​​the home of the people".

– I also appeal to the other parties: We share the responsibility of The country must be controlled. Ulf Kristersson spoke of an adult approach. So I appeal to Stefan Löfven and him for us to have this adult conversation. We must be able to talk to each other.

– I have my reform program. We are preparing for the election, "said Åkesson.

Formerly known, SD wants to see punishments and dramatically increase the density of the police.In fact, they are real police officers, says Jimmie Åkesson, not police officers in general.

– We have 250 policemen per 100,000 inhabitants, he says.

In addition, SD wants to restore the police emergency, a civilian police

– The 2,000 to 3,000 men who have undergone shorter police training are an important reinforcement in the short term.

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