Alarm on the grass fire on the outside of Arvidsjaur


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Just before noon, there was an alarm about a grass fire in Laxtjärnen, east of Storberg, Arvidsjaur.

Update, 12.55:

According to the data of the Civil Service at Piteå-Tidningen this area should have a width of about 30×30 meters

Soils should be high and the wind is blowing enough on the ground, but despite the hard-to-reach terrain, the rescue service is waiting for a quick shot, writes Piteå's diary

Update, 14.44:

– They fight forever and I try to get a helicopter. It's an old forest in the area and it's good. Ulf Lundström, Emergency Relief Manager, Malå, Norran

Update 17.07:

Ulf Lundström, an emergency rescuer, is on the scene.

– It's okay and so. It blows quite vigorously and the fire has now jumped a forest road

The helicopter, which will help in the extinction, should arrive at 18 hours

– But until then we do what we can to limit and keep fire.

The fire started at Laxtjärnen

– Then he climbed up the mountainside. At the present time, the fire is on the way up, then takes off as fuel

Update 19.57:

– We have a helicopter on your road, it is in place at all times. The problem is that it burns everywhere, so there are very few helicopters available to access, "said Ulf Lundström at Norrbotten Media just after 19:00.

– It will take a long time to verify this He blows properly, we hope the wind will moan, says Ulf Lundström, who also has a fire outside Moskosel to keep an eye on

This article will be updated when more information is available.

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