Ambulance had technical problems during the reprisals


The event occurred in May of this year when a Falkenberg ambulance gave top priority to a patient in cardiac arrest. On the highway, the ambulance lost speed due to technical problems and dropped to 80 kilometers at the time. When the car left the highway, it only traveled 60 kilometers to the hour.

The stay was delayed and when the ambulance arrived at the scene, it was discovered that the man was dead. It can not be determined if this man's life could have been saved if the ambulance had not been delayed.

Can technical problems affect the outcome?

"I can not comment on individual patients," says Tomas Rabe, Business Development Manager at Region Halland.

46,000 miles

According to the diversion report, one of the possible reasons for the technical problem could be that the car has traveled more than 46,000 km. A week earlier, the ambulance had similar problems but was put back into service as the problem would be solved.

– The helmet belt was broken, probably because pebbles had entered the car. There was nothing to predict, says Tomas Rabe at the agency Siren News.

In autumn and spring, eleven ambulances will be exchanged in the Halland area.

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