An unpleasant image spreads on social media – Municipalities Act


Wednesday morning, the picture began to circulate. Göteborgs Posten participated in the photo where a dark colored person, wearing clothes similar to those of the assassin Anton Lundin Pettersson during the attack of a school in Trollhättan 2015.

On the picture, it is written:

"Pass in Vänersborg and Trollhättan", with two knife thrushes.

It is unclear when this was taken, but the picture caused concern and both municipalities acted.

In Vänersborg, the municipality briefed principals and preschool officials.

"It's up to them to inform more," says Thomas Fridén, communications manager at the municipality of Vänersborg.

Extra Guardians Called

The municipality has also hired additional security officers to ensure its presence in the municipality.

– If you see something suspicious, contact 112 and if you look at the photo or the like, you will get the usual number 114 14.

Nothing indicates that the person in the picture was seen during the day.

– There is nothing that happened to me, the picture is taken in Trollhättan, or if it is made. But this also caused concern in Vänersborg and that is why we took these steps. We follow developments closely.

In Trollhättan, where the image will come from the attack that took place a little over three years ago, information has also been published.

"It has been brought to our attention that children or relatives have seen this picture and have become worried," said Vivian Komstadius, head of communications at Trollhättans Stad, GP.

The city of Trollhättans writes about the image on its website.


The measures are similar to those of the municipality of Vänersborg after the image began to spread on social media.

"We have asked our school staff to pay attention and prepare us to address the concerns and we have also taken other steps, such as examining how security officers act to that people feel safe, explains Vivian Komstadius, doctor.

"The city of Trollhättans has taken measures to increase security in all schools and preschool buildings," the municipality writes on its website.

Police opened a preliminary investigation into the illegal threats against the group.

"If you have any advice on what it might be, then we would appreciate it if you could call 114 14. We are talking to the municipality and actively working on the case," said spokesperson Hans Lippens. of the West West Police Presidency.

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