Anders Kondrups meets with the dolphin on the west coast


Varbergsbon Anders Kondrup left for a day trip. Early on Wednesday morning, he found himself near Balgö north of Varberg when he saw very rare animals on our latitudes – a dolphin

– Normally you can see a goblet waiting, but that dolphin came to play by boat and been there for so long. If not, it will simply be a cliché of experiments, says Anders, who has already been interviewed by SVT Halland

The dolphin followed the boat for more than fifteen minutes, first by jumping and playing later. ] The Dolphin jumped and played around the boat

Photo: Private / Private

Unusual Experience

– They are so wise that they understand that there is somebody One in the boat and I have experienced that he would be in touch with me You have eye contact with, that is what is so cool. So you are in love.

Anders tells us that he has never participated in anything like this.

– Thumbs and seals in which you have been involved, but never a dolphin. What I understand is very rare.

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Anders describes himself as a natural person, who often spends time on both the ocean and the ocean. and in the woods. And the trick to see the fauna is easy:

– The nature experiences are done in the woods so you can move quietly, it's the same on the lake. When it is calm and slow, you have to agree on such things and pay attention to them.

According to delfin expert Svante Lysén, it was probably a dolphin of the species of pine vinegar, the most common dolphin species in dolphins and zoos that held the company of Anders Kondrup during the boat trip. [ad_2]
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