Angel's mother – "Feels good for him not to have a time penalty"


On Monday, Anders Eklund's request for his sentence was converted into a time penalty. He wants the sentence to be 18 years old.

Anders Eklund has been detained since April 7, 2008. In the motion, it has been stated that it has been more than ten years, which explains the transformation of the sentence. More reading: Ten years ago, the angel was murdered – From the disappearance that affected a whole nation to life sentence against one of the worst killers of Sweden [19659003] Carina Höglund, the mother of Engla Höglund. As early as April, Anders Eklund 's lawyer announced that he was planning to request the conversion.

  Carina Höglund

– There is nothing I am surprised at. I'm sure it will not be timed. No more than ten years. Probably he will never have it. With this we do not know, "says Carina Höglund.

More reading: Carina Höglund about the fault after Engla – Ten years after the murder:" Pain and pain are part of my life "

She has already criticized the life sentence penalty after ten years.

– It's the uncertainty with which one can live.I do not think you have to live without being a real punishment for life.We will not have to deal with permits and punishments in a timely manner and the like, "says Carina Höglund

Anders Eklund:

On April 5, 2008, Engla Juncosa Höglund disappeared from his house in Stjärnsund, near Hedemora

Intensive hunting began and two days later, Anders Eklund was suspected of disappearing

Eklund admitted killing Engla and killing Pernilla Hellgren, 31 years old, in Falun

In October of the same year, Anders E klund was sentenced to life imprisonment.

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