Arlöv fire – great rescue piracy


A violent fire in an eighth floor apartment went off Saturday night outside Malmö.

One person was taken to the hospital with an ambulance.

The alarm and the fire in the multi-family house in Arlöv arrived at 22:18 on Saturday evening.

"There is a powerful fire on the top floor that has threatened to spread to the wind, we had staff from five stations on site," said Patric Nilsson, internal manager of the rescue service.

At midnight, the rescue officer was able to confirm that the firefighters had put an end to the risk of wind spreading.

"We will stay for a while, but will start dismantling some forces now," Patric Nilsson said.

Two people were rescued from the flaming apartment and initially received care from the ambulance personnel in place, writing on their website.

"They were found in the stairwell," says Patric Nilsson.

According to police, one of the two would then have been taken to the hospital with an ambulance.

"A total of three people were treated by the ambulance staff – everyone was aware," says Patric Nilsson.


It burns on the top floor of the building in Arlöv.

That's why it starts to burn – and you protect yourself 0:27

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