Assassin in space – neighbor: "fallen to the ground before running"


The murderer Kristofer Kastellanoss, 25, escaped from prison as a result of a judgment.

He passed by Ketty Axelsson's house – before disappearing

– They told him to repel the prosecutor before he ran away. Says Ketty Axelsson, 65 years old.

Immediately after 11:30 am on Thursday morning, the transportation of prisoners was from Gothenburg to Sala between Laxå and Finnerödja.

They left the E20, according to information to Aftonbladet, for Kristofers, a 25-year-old prisoner. Kastellanoss needed a kiss.

Then he managed to escape.

– They told him that he had pushed the detective before he ran away, says Ketty Axelsson, 65.

Kettys house is one of three near the exit she was at home when the escape occurred.

– We replied that a lot of people ran into the yard and screamed and screamed. Then I saw the car from the car accident and then we realized that someone should have escaped, she adds, adding:

– Then he was full of policemen and blue eyes

1 of 4 | Photo: Veronica Kindblad

The murderer suddenly appeared in the garden of Ketty Andersson's neighbor

"Rush on"

Ketty Axelsson explains how her neighbor was going out with her dog at the same time.

– She says she opened the door, then she saw a blue-clothed man standing in his garden, she said, adding:

– He was deep in the earth and spoke. She thought at first that he was talking on a mobile phone but when she shouted at him and wondered what he was doing, he threw himself on the ground before running.

Police raided the area, including dogs and helicopters, but the 25-year-old is still missing.

Police say he may be hopeless and aggressive. Police warn people in the area because the man is dangerous and wants to avoid a hostage, according to information to Aftonbladet.

1 of 5 | Christian Vargahed

"Extremely Serious"

Kristofer Kastellanoss was sentenced in April to 14 years in prison for killing a man in Tullinge in November 2016. The judgment was appealed to Svea Hovrätt.

until the victim murdered by the man was informed on the day of the disappearance and the plaintiff Evin Cetin finds it very serious that the man could have accommodated.

– It is extremely serious that a convicted prisoner of murder even had the opportunity to host under guarded transport. We are following the developments very carefully and awaiting the investigation that we should primarily be doing in the Criminal Care and we assume that it is quick and clarifies how the evasion was possible, says Evin Cetin, attorney [19659004] Cetin believes that there are many points of questioning on

– There are many question marks about how the escape has gone

They escaped from Swedish jails 00:45

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