Aston Villa investment of SEK 1.5 billion



Twelve new players at a cost of nearly SEK 1.5 billion.

The classic Aston Villa is investing heavily in the return of the Premier League.

– I hope I can help the team win titles and raise the table, says Wesley records acquisition.

Prince William was one of more than 40,000 Aston Villa fans in Wembley to celebrate the victory in the playoff final against Derby on May 27. As a result, the Aston Red Wine Club, in north-east Birmingham, was back in the Premier League after the relegation that took place in the spring of 2016, which set the tone for 29 consecutive seasons in the High League.

According to the BBC, the profits of what is known as "the richest game of football" reported the equivalent of SEK 1.9 billion in revenue – but despite millions of reasons to celebrate event, Birmingham did not win.

The reason was simple, according to CEO Christian Purslow, who helped make the decision even before the final.

– Dean and I (Smith, the coach) talked about it for less than ten seconds and we both felt the same way. We are Aston Villa. We have parades when we win the cup or the league. Not when we will have a promotion, said Christian Purslow according to the regional Express & Star newspaper.

1 out of 2 | Photo: Claude Paris / AP / TT

After 35 goals in 117 games for Club Bruges, Wesley has become the most expensive acquisition of the season at Aston Villa this summer. The Brazilian striker is one of 12 new players at the Villa, who made a lot of efforts before the return of the Premier League. Stock Photography

Won the Cup of Europe

"Villans" was one of the founders of the Football League in 1888, then of the Premier League in 1992. In 1897, Aston Villa became the second English club to win the doubles – league and FA Cup the same season – and as early as 1920, he won his sixth title. Coach Dean Smith has been a supporter of the Villa since his childhood and saw the club win the league and the European Cup – current Champions League – 1981 and 1982.

– I had the chance to get on the bus when they circulated with the European Cup loop. Then, the European Cup and the league had been won. But to reach the finals of the series? No.

Smith – who took office last October and drove Villa from the 14th place of the championship to the promotion – added:

– We are back where we belong and we will rely on that.

With a quick return in just over two months, it's easy to see that Aston Villa has not been on the side of the bar.

Photo: Geert Vanden Wijngaert / TT NEWSBYRÅN / NTB Scanpix

enrollment records

In mid-June, Brazilian striker Wesley became the club's most expensive hunt since he bought over $ 250 million at Club Brugge.

– I was very happy to learn that Aston Villa was interesting – and for a record amount. Now, I want to show why on the field, said Wesley during an interview on the Aston Villas YouTube channel after the transition.

The 22-year-old was then the third new acquisition of Villa for the summer – and then the players arrived on a group running. Goalkeeper Tom Heaton (Burnley), Matt Targett (Southampton), Tyrone Mings (Bournemouth), Douglas Luiz (Manchester City) and Merveilleux Nakamba (Club Brugge) and Tezeguet (Kasimpasa) are all on the alert. some.

Twelve new players for around 1.5 billion Swedish kroner. Some draw a parallel with Fulham who, before the return of the Premier League last year, had won for similar sums, but then flopped solid before returning to the championship.

Christian Purslow, however, is confident that his athletic director Jesús García Pitarch and coach Dean Smith are doing the right thing, backed by stormy owners Nassef Sawiris and Wes Edens who took over last year.

– In the eyes of many, we are just another newcomer who will have difficulties and will leave immediately. But no one here, at least me or Dean Smith, believes in this scenario. I could not have more confidence in this team, Purslow recently told the Birmingham Mail.

Photo: Tim Ireland / TT NEWS AGENCY

Towards the upper half

Despite all the acquisitions, it's still Jack Grealish, 23, who is in the middle of the field and is self-centered on the ground, leading Villa into the field. L & # 39; s goal? Back to the level just below the best team where the club was in 2007-2011, before a negative spiral led to a relegation in 2016.

"We have to take the position of six, seven, eight, nine in the Premier League – then try to outperform it," said Christian Purslow.

Aston Villa will play Tottenham on the first Saturday.

Facts: Newcomers to the Premier League

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