At least one seriously injured in central Gothenburg


The alarm of a big fight in Kungstorget in the center of Gothenburg arrived at the police at 21:25 Tuesday night. Witnesses said that there were young men who used both pots and iron pipes during the clash.

– There were gangs that were in a box. They stopped here for an hour, "said Lars Tunefjord, officer in charge of police in the area of ​​West in DN.

Police sent several patrols to the site. violent, who would have been in the 20s, later moved to Avenyn and Grönsakstorget.

A person was injured at that time. It is about a young man who was injured to the head, which means that he could not be questioned by the police at night.

– This was a kidnapped ambulance and we took her to the hospital. He had suffered a head injury and was not audible at the moment, "said Lars Tunefjord.

Details on the extent of the man's injury were not clear on Wednesday morning.

No individual was arrested during Tuesday's unrest, but according to Gothenburg Post, the police had "identified a larger number of people" in the evening.

DN has already reported how there was more fighting at Centala Gothenburg. Once in early January, the police withdrew to stop a major clash, also between two gangs. It was also not possible to seize a person for crimes, and even then they were involved in an escalation when the police arrived at the scene.

Morten Gunneng, senior non-commissioned officer at the Gothenburg police, then told us that there are the same two groups that collapse each time.

– This is a sequel. This has been happening regularly in recent weeks, he told DN.

Read more: 30s young people in big fights

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