Atomico launches programs for business angels


Atcrico, the venture capital firm of Skype founder Niklas Zennström, has launched a new program for business angels, writes Techcrunch.

The program calls Atomico Angel Program and will be led by the new partner of the company, Sophia Bendz. It will take place in twelve-month rounds where you will enter twelve business angels each turn.

The program aims to find and train a new generation of business angels, individuals who, with their own money, support startups.

"I'm passionate about this program, it's that we do it a little differently, we're transparent about it and we're going to have a group of angels slightly different from the big Silicon Valley venture capitalists," he says. said Sophia Bendz.

When business angels are part of the program, they receive the support of Atomico, but are free to make their own investments of $ 100,000, or about $ 900,000 per startup. The only cross is that the return is shared between all business angels if the investment goes well. Indeed, Atomico wants to encourage cooperation between business angels.

The first twelve business angels adopted for the program are composed of two well-known Swedish names.

This is the fintech profile Tuva Palm and the founder of Kry, Josefin Landgård, who will be part of the new program.

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