Backlash in the world – Measles fall – News


Mass vaccination against viral diseases Since 2000, measles has saved 21 million lives worldwide, according to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Public Health Agency CDC (Centers for Disease Control).

However, in 2017, a strong trend was observed, the number of infected people having increased by more than 30%, resulting in the death of 110,000 people, according to the report.

We did not have such a reaction every year earlier, "said James Goodson, World Trade Show Expert at CDC.

Why new outbreaks broke out have different explanations.

We see that there are armed conflicts and that the vaccination staff is struggling to reach the population, we are witnessing continuous and widespread explosions. These include Congo Kinshasa, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. This means that there is a reservoir of viruses that continue to live and spread to neighboring countries.

Vaccine resistance

In other regions, such as Europe, North and South America, it is rather the dysfunction of vaccines that causes the fall of measles. Terrible, thinks Goodson.

You see in many places an abandonment of science. As a researcher, it is sometimes surprising, but we do everything in our power to fight against misconceptions and invite parents who are not sure to speak with health professionals.

Millions of doses of vaccine are administered each year. So we know that it is a very safe vaccine. Careers should be encouraged to remind mothers that measles is a serious disease that can lead to serious complications – pneumonia and inflammation of the brain – and even death, he said.

Infected persons may also suffer from diarrhea and dehydration, otitis and blindness. Malnourished children and adolescents with weak immune systems are extremely sensitive, according to the WHO.

China against power

The only region facing power is the Western Pacific region, including the East Asian countries.

We are seeing a record number of new cases for 2017. This is positive, largely thanks to China's commitment to eradicate measles and to strive to make the case a reality. measles vaccine accessible to all children, "said James Goodson.

Measles is an extinct disease, just like chicken pox. And disappearing measles, red dogs disappear on purchase, when the measles vaccine is a combination vaccine.

However, it has been difficult to obtain the resources needed to achieve the goal of eradication, "said Goodson.

Important early detection

Systematic vaccination of toddlers, mass vaccination campaigns and surveillance are important pillars of the fight against the disease.

Early detection of measles is important to quickly insert vaccine interventions into eruption areas. If you do not monitor high-quality measles, it will be difficult to respond quickly to outbreaks.

Goodson, on the other hand, does not think that compulsory vaccination is necessarily a good idea.

It is important to respect the free choices of people. But I think the laws that check if you are vaccinated to start school are good, and this is one of the most important strategies in the United States that has led us to eradicate measles in the United States. We had our last (internal) case in 2000, he says.

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