Baffo trains with pit teams – Värnamo News


Baffo trains with pit teams – Värnamo News

Värnamo News

Mohammad Rahal is one of those who are investing in a new store in Värnamo – and others are about to arrive.

Värnamopolis Patrik Widell from Jönköping, along with girlfriend and charity Fanny Ahlfors, is taking on a significant challenge to participate in Bali Hope Swimrun in Southeast Asia.
"It's an adventure for a good cause We want to protect the world and the Bali islands from increased plastic pollution," said Patrik Widell.

After a call to 112, police gathered all available resources and launched a police initiative at Finnveden High School. Apparently, people had been awakened by a weapon outside of school.

Despite many years of civil rule, the Gnosjö municipality is the county's second highest tax and the fifth largest increase in the country in the last 26 years.
– Gnosjö is not another town, says Kristine Hästmark (M).

A woman refused to stop the car during the police call Wednesday.
The car was infested by the police and sank into a tree and a wall. Five police cars were on site.

The Lion has now finished his team before the 2019 season. The German Kevin Wölbert took the last place.
On Saturday, December 1, the election team will prepare its troops for next season. Värnamo News checked the situation of all the teams.

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