Ban on irrigating in the municipality of Båstad – HD


Båstad drinking water can now only be used for personal hygiene, food and beverages. Do not reduce consumption, there is a risk that the water ends in Torekov already today.

On Tuesday, NSVA announced in a press release that a ban on irrigation in the municipality of Båstad had been announced. The reason is the high water consumption combined with the hot weather. Drinking water can now only be used for personal hygiene, food and beverages.

The situation is very serious in Torekov, which risks losing water if consumption does not decrease

. We thought it was fine Friday. But at night on Saturday and over the weekend, consumption has increased incredibly, which means that our wells in Torekov are not enough, "says Jonas Håkansson, head of drinking water at NSVA

. end already this day. It is now forbidden to use municipal water for:

– Irrigation of lawns, flowers or other plants with a water hose or a separator of 39; water.

– Irrigation

– Filling of pools or exchange of water in swimming pools and hot tubs

– High pressure washing for washing facades, vehicles, etc.

Read more: "I Båstad has a different mentality at water compared to other municipalities."

The ban on irrigation means you can not fill swimming pools or watering lawns and flowers with a pipe

– The part you are going to water

More: Saving water

If customers break ] Against the ban on irrigation, NSVA may close the water or insert an ironing board with the support of the Water Utility Act. NSVA continuously monitors the consumption of drinking water and writes in the press release that you will visit areas where consumption differs from normal consumption.

– Our staff will knock on the door and inform about the ban on irrigation if necessary. Please inform your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors about the ban on irrigation, "said Jonas Håkansson in the press release

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