Barking on fisting three years – School inspection wants to alert preschool teachers


"Stick and fire," "Do you have death?", "Oh, how ugly are you?" A preschool teacher in Helsingborg is now being cautioned after inappropriate statements and actions.

The preschool teacher had been working in kindergarten since the beginning of 2015. She should have been speaking several times in the spring and summer 2017 and the Inspection to open an investigation.

The children should have been fired irregularly several times. The school inspectorate has done an investigation of the events and wants the Council of Teachers' responsibility to warn the professor of preschool education.

At one point, a young child recently started kindergarten and cried. Then the kindergarten teacher said, "Do you have death?" Then she should say "I'm so close to putting your head in the wall" and shown with your thumb and your index finger. A colleague instead tried to comfort the child.

On the verbal level, the kindergarten teacher also reportedly raped the children by saying "stick and fire", "oh how ugly you are" and "how disgusting you are"

a child of three years of the dining table because he was born.

The preschooler herself does not think that she was too harsh or used a scary tone against the kids. She believes that she is clear in its limit and that this has been estimated. Some statements she denied, others that were taken out of context and that they were entertaining meant. It also refers to general jargon in preschool.

According to a preschool head, employees until the spring of 2016 were interviewed in communication, educational mission, treatment and attitude

The school inspector believes that appropriate behavior over time. She is considered by the opinion and the action to show the lack of judgment in communication with children. Therefore, the inspection requires that the Advisory Council of Teachers warn him.

The preschool teacher is now employed in another kindergarten and, according to her current boss, it works well: "She takes initiative, kids love her and the parents find her beautiful. The principal believes that the preschool teacher is busy with what has happened and that there has been a frustrating situation at the previous workplace



The Teachers' Appeal Board examines whether a teacher or preschool teacher should be notified or lost. The council is located at the National Agency for Education, but it is a special decision-making body.

Only the School Inspectorate can bring the cases before the Council of Teachers' Liability. The case can be initiated by a notification, for example, from a parent, a director or a colleague, and partly by the school inspectorate.

A teacher or a teacher may receive a warning

unfair in his profession

] in or in connection with their professional activity does something criminal that raises the question of whether they are suitable as teachers or Preschool teachers

in any other way has proven less suitable for teaching.

Preschool teachers may lose their identity card if

was manifestly unfair in their professional activity

in their professional practice or outside of the latter commits a serious crime which makes it possible to question him as a teacher or pre-school teacher

of an illness or similar circumstance can not exercise his profession in an appropriate manner

d & # 's Another way the duty to teach

did not follow an instruction from the Disciplinary Board of Teachers to conduct a medical examination

Source: Skolverket

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